Lana Love

Jan 08 at 07:11 PM

I would be so grateful for a sponsor to the online event🙏🏼❤️

Jan 01 at 01:28 AM


Much love Paul and team 🤍✨🤍 the truest heroes 🙏🏼


Dec 22 at 11:38 PM



Dec 22 at 12:58 PM

Thank you thank you thank you dear Paul and Team ✨❤️✨


Dec 20 at 08:46 PM


Dec 20 at 01:04 PM

Hello cosmic Starseed fam❤️ so incredible to meet up here! I LOVE YOU ALL✨❤️

Dec 18 at 09:06 PM

Jesse - I’m also in BC

Dec 18 at 07:45 PM

Great Live Jason and team! That book- Many Lives Many Masters, by Brian Weiss resonated with me when a friend gifted me the book in 1998. It was the part of my awakening back then. I’ve directed many sincere but mostly sceptical people to this book over the years! ❤️❤️❤️

Dec 18 at 12:20 AM

