I have seen..first hand..two ppl I know,..who got tricked..manipulated..conditioned..into different stages of mind control. Then,.. when the one came back for a visit..and she was literally out doing craftwork..sex magic...recruiting!!... I had a candid conversation with her. I was telling her..you're giving consent!!.. she TRIED defending her actions...(cuz, she knows the laws...and is now..in fact DOING the tricking).. she tried claiming that no..she hasn't given consent. Not freely. She spoke how she was tricked.. and that what she was doing now...WAS TRYING THINGS OUT...BEFORE SHE COMMITS. !!!!! Can you believe HOW CUNNING!!.. this is my family. This is my bloodline. I swear...they HAVE ALL BEEN ENDOWED,..AND ACTIVATED...they're all just trying to wreck me. ..... I was tired. But my guides..my team... FULLY ON DECK...
Commented on Like these people are so thick they p...
Aug 18 at 02:10 AM
Haaa... lovely