
Aagtekerke, Netherlands

Aug 17 at 10:13 AM

Here in the netherlands a virologist explains about the monkey pox how it can lead to death. Last year it was made publicly known that money pox only was sexual transmitted by gay men. Then it became a straight transmitted disease. Bird flu (HN5)is also going around. There are words spreading around that there might be locations set up for vaccinations and that there might be another pandemic.

Aug 17 at 06:52 AM

Faith reversed psychology keeps people wandering and not suspecting. For some reason I have the urge to protect Ray and not curious of who he Is . I have sense soul connection feeling and that's more then enough for me or for anyone else whom wishes to protect their identity. When the puzzles start slowly falling into place and certain energies are cleared up , I know he will reveal himself. At the moment he is still on his missions.🥰🙏💥💫


Aug 16 at 03:26 PM

Maybe Keanu Reeves,Jim Carrey ,Jaguar Wright ( she has been spilling the tea a lot this year)MelGibson, Woody Harrolson ,Dr wayne Dyer( movie "The Shift". Louise Hay(Hay House). Gregg Braden


Commented on Patient Seventeen

Aug 16 at 07:23 AM

Sounds interesting going to watch it today 🥰

Aug 14 at 10:07 PM


Aug 14 at 07:33 PM

Not sure ,when I tap on the link it doesn't do anything 🤷🏽‍♀️

Aug 14 at 03:01 AM

I love water. After a day of being over stimulated. When in the shower it feels the water literally washes everything away🥰🙏. Feels like it cuts the cords to what I was connected to .I'm so grateful for water🥰🙏


Replied on 👁

Aug 13 at 04:26 PM

CAMERON THOMSON its never to late to be good🥰You are goodness itself , you come from goodness. You are light. Know that everything will be allright . You are safe🙏


Commented on 💥💜

Aug 13 at 04:15 PM

@CAMERON THOMPSON .When u have a gut feeling ,it's a quiet,understandable and stable feeling u feel in your gut( also called intution). And the feeling u receive your brain processes it what kind of feeling it actually is ( if you are not familiar with it,this actually requires practice though)if you feel anxiety and paranoia is irrational fear that is fed by imagination . There are also grey areas between the gut feeling and paranoia. This is where practice and research comes to place. The more self conscious you become the more you will be able to separate paranoia from your gu5 feeling🙏💫🥰.


Commented on She loves to play

Aug 13 at 03:59 PM

Awww so sweet, your doggies?🥰
