
Aagtekerke, Netherlands

Aug 13 at 03:53 PM

I'm grateful for the openes and trust that has been shared on this platform. The courage what it takes is admirable. 💫🙏

Replied on 👁

Aug 13 at 03:33 PM

 Before you meditate maybe  teach yourself  how to make peace with  stillness.  When you become friends with stillness  , you become more at peace . There is called this meditation  called "Metta" You recite positive phrases towards yourself and other people. This practice aims to  foster a mental state of love , kindness and  compassion.   It's  time you take your power back , you deserve every bit of it.  Once  you pull yourself out of it , i know for sure  you  will inspire others .  Afterall  everything is connected and  we are not alone. Sending you healing light and love 🌹🥰 


Replied on 👁

Aug 13 at 03:23 PM

2.Please  remember when  there is darkness there is also light.  You are the light. Have trust ,believe in yourself.  You are always safe , protected and loved.  Take care of  yourself by being kind and loving to yourself.  Have fun by doing researches and look what  you actually need. Ask yourself what you like to fix about yourself.  You are the CEO / director of your life . You can be anything you want to be. Just take a pick. You are not your mental disorders .  The more you  raise your level  of consciousness  the more these  disorders will disappear .  For example with ADHD .  The restlessness you experience in body and mind . Ask yourself how can you find inner peace.  Inner peace is found with meditation 


Replied on 👁

Aug 13 at 03:12 PM

1.Hi Cameron, im so sorry to read about your suicide . You must have been in a very dark place. Being misunderstood and alone.  And look at you , still holding on  strong. I truly admire  your warrior spirit.  And  how  Ray  and  TLS  triggered you in finding your purpose. 

First of i would like to thank you for you being so open  and  trusting us  with the personal things that you share.  Have you found a way to deal with your paranoid schizophrenia/ ADHD / OCD and the  untreated PTSD?  Regarding to  schizofrenia  ,don't always believe everything  you hear . You are the person that can direct and control your thoughts. It might require  some practice but allow the voices to know that you are in  charge. They trying to hold space in your mind , so you are the one that decides . 

While you practice it do it with a  smile and love. Don't allow any negative emotion to come into your mind and heart.  Sleeping is very important because this is where the brain cleans and washes itself.  

Commented on 🫰🏽💥

Aug 11 at 06:33 AM

Putin is the only one who has the guts to go against the elites. Putin seems to surprise the world over and over again . Recently he exposed the hidden church secret that Jesus was a black man.


Commented on 💥

Aug 11 at 06:30 AM

pplsequal beautifully said 👏 🥰

Replied on 🌞

Aug 09 at 05:58 PM

Amy W that's so sweet of you. Thank you🥰🫰🏽

Aug 09 at 09:25 AM

Nicky de la Motte you more then welcome🫰🏽🥰


Aug 08 at 01:30 PM

Hi Shanon, do you have by any chance Facebook? Is it okay that I add you?

Loving regards 💥🫰🏽

Aug 08 at 06:35 AM

