
Apr 20 at 02:24 PM

7 is unlucky lol

Apr 20 at 02:23 PM

So what if that little girl grows up and she becomes a drug addict cos of her trauma as a child. Then she turns into a criminal to survive and she can never get work, she’s homeless… and all the other repercussions. U can’t say that you’ve never judged a drug addict or homeless person… and if u haven’t wat if they directly effected u. Like accidentally ran ur kid over while high. Who’s fault would it be. I understand the whole concept of not judging one another. But we do it every day without realising it. The church and its beliefs are outdated I’m sorry it allows to many bad people to get away with horrific things.

Apr 17 at 06:16 AM

So why was Julian Assange arrested and Ray is singing like a mo fo??? Is there actually any evidence to back any claims. Or is this just more disinformation that we get sucked into buying. If all the governments in the world were honest and upfront with citizens as they should be this trickery wouldn’t happen

Apr 17 at 06:12 AM

You prob don’t have the programs or hardware to support the media or something. Try updating then try again. I don’t think u should start thinking it’s a conspiracy.

Apr 17 at 06:10 AM

I’m still trying to work all of this out too. I think it’s best when u don’t try to explain with logic u try to receive the downloads through dreaming, communicating with spirit guides, mediation, yoga, kind of divination (tarot) or hypnotherapy. That’s what works for me. Guided hypnotherapy was the best for me. As I was able to become somewhat lucid and also remember when I woke up.

All the things we don’t have answers for though are because we cannot as a collective keep functioning if the mass of people knew. There would be a total collapse of fundamental beliefs and systems. They have to do this slowly and only few will understand, believe or resonate with all of this.


Apr 17 at 06:04 AM

Taygeta Nguyen thank u most insightful. If they are a race of people then what is the garden of eden? Where is it? Does the apple represent them procreating? I’m really interested in history and religion. I find it fascinating. Pls email me if it’s easier

Apr 08 at 02:26 PM

Does anyone know how the guy dealt with and released/addressed his inner child traumas? Did he meditate or see a therapist or do hypnotherapy????

Is there anything that I can purchase like a workbook to start this way of healing or do they give an online procedure or guide???

Apr 06 at 01:37 PM

Go away. No one wants a negative bible basher. Go associate with paedophiles of the church
