Tracy Taylor

Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Sep 03 at 10:47 AM

I used to know someone in the Ordo Templi Orientis, mainly because I am so curious, not for me at all but it was an eye opener and not something I’d like to be part of. 😱

Aug 31 at 05:58 AM

Paula Rose Nottingham is not far from me currently, the boat is out Surrey way, my partner lives there. Full time. Our plan is to move the boat to a different location that doesn’t get flooded in the winter months. I like to grow my own food but this year has been tough and 4 months the garden was flooded. Boat life is beautiful but sometimes challenging but most affordable.


Aug 31 at 05:52 AM


Aug 30 at 04:37 PM

A place called Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, UK I am planning to move, on to a barge off grid the kids are leaving the nest and beginning their own adventures.

Aug 16 at 11:36 AM

I don’t really watch enough tv to comment on this subject to be honest. I am not a follower of celebrities either but it is an interesting subject.


Aug 15 at 04:23 PM

Without thinking about it too much I would say Lemurians,


Jul 30 at 05:00 PM

😮 that’s quite funny because my life is the complete opposite to that, but I have only just begun at the ripe age of 48 so watch this space. 😉

Jul 30 at 03:35 PM

I’m an 8 too I don’t know what that means to be honest. 🤠


Jul 29 at 01:57 PM

I do this it definitely works.

Jun 16 at 09:01 AM

Does the EE system remove shadow Parasites and negative attachments entities?