July 18

Closing of Cycles.

I now close the unfinished stories, the unresolved situations, the poorly digested experiences of the past. I put a final point, that's enough, a very necessary limit to what no longer makes sense in my life.

I agree to complete this stage of my life, freeing myself from everything that tied me to what was old and obsolete. May my old experiences not bring me the weight of pain, but rather the wisdom that guides my steps.

May I never stay in what stops me, suffocates me or limits me. May he know how to let go of everything unproductive, may he be open to the new!

I allow myself to flow with life, with changes and transformations. I put an end to all the pain I had not overcome, all the emotional disappointments I had, all the scarcity I experienced, all the physical and emotional ailments and all the wounds that tied me to the past. .

In the name of my Sacred Presence I Am, I determine that all knots, all disagreements, all nonconformities be undone now. Now I put an end to all the old, unpleasant and challenging cycles.

I am aware that I fulfilled my mission with these cycles, and that they also fulfilled their function with me. I move forward with learning, with maturity ready for the new cycle that begins.

I accept the end, I open myself to the blessings of new beginnings, to all the love, to all the health, to all the abundance and prosperity that await me.
Thank you thank you thank you.......