February 29

What kind of Lightworker are you?🧚

All of us have incarnated onto this earth with a purpose. It's no coincidence that we all found each other in order to help raise the consciousness of the planet and carry out a divine mission.

However, if we are not from this earth, where did we come from?

Some people believe themselves to be starseeds, which there is plenty of content on UNIFYD TV talking about the concept of alien interbreeding on this planet or contact with other galactic species, from The Pyramid Code and Messages from Bashar or Portal to the Pleiadians.

Others believe that when we pass on, we become angels and even have angel guides supporting us along our journey.

Then there are those who feel drawn to more mythical like creatures such as fairies, mermaids or wizards.

If you are feeling as if you are not from here and have a longing for "home". There could be a reason for that.

Check out the articles below to learn more about the different types of Lightworkers and which one you could be!👇

