
Wollongong, Australia

Replied on Spot on!!

Jan 24 at 08:33 AM

Detail I now understand at least. I've been really fascinated and knew I knew more about frequencies than I actually realised. Perhaps I have reincarnated at times when this was more readily understood and used and maybe I'm remebering it now. I have been experimenting and doing research into this, not wide scale, just on myself at times and maybe with some of what clicked, I will learn to use. Stuff like, shapes hitting even was explained and what the TLS calls transducing and many more things too many to mention, perhaps you'll find it and it will make things more relateable too.😁

Replied on Spot on!!

Jan 24 at 08:25 AM

Exciting because it wasn't all cloak and dagger, it's stuff monks in Tibet ppl of pyramid times and fwd to now, about different frequencies can unlock certain abilities such as T hzts and other frequencies when achieved can unlock certain abilities within ourselves, Dr Sandra Rose Michael is not the only one to understand this technology, regarding frequencies, there have been others, it explains about how Ray discussed many topics but he didn't think humanity was ready, like how he described the school, where there's a group of students go and study, but if a normal person tried to get there they wouldn't be able to find it or get there, well this set huge light bulbs flashing off in my head and now I understand what he meant. But not just that so so many other things. It was awesome. Especially as for the past 1-2 years I've been leaning into frequencies and I felt there was something to them and this was my wake up moment as to why. I understood and what Ray won't go into detai

Replied on Spot on!!

Jan 24 at 08:11 AM

Quite often, and gave other examples and it made sense to me in what I've been witnessing across the cyberverse, so many ppl who don't even know about Jason or the TLS etc, but ppl are really waking up to what's really going on in the world and there is a ripple effect and syncing happening, and ppl are waking up and ppl are starting to realise they've been lied too. It's really exciting to witness, I didn't really know if I really believed or really understood in what the meaning, of the great Awakening was all about as in how it would come to tuition. But I'm certainly witnessing it everywhere across all platforms and ppl in real life. So now I have a better grasp on how it's happening and it's exciting.

And tonight Anonymous, dropped something big, and it all links in to things Ray has mentioned, but doesn't go fully into detail about, and it came at another angle without discussing the EESYSTEM but how this has been known about for a very very long time, and it was super

Replied on Spot on!!

Jan 24 at 07:45 AM

Heya, I'm doing as good as can be expected, maybe even better if than expected, considering everything. I got through the past month a lot better than I expected. December, January are very difficult months, lots of triggers for me.

So I am proud of myself, despite having a few wobbly days. But that's the be expected.

So I have started writing a list of movies I've watched and then through being able to remote view, I've been writing short synopses as to what they refer too and it's backed with evidence of what is buzzing around online by many highly regarded ppl and from whats shared on this platform, Jason's channel and who he interviews.

When I met Jason, he said something that I have really been noticing happening. I can't remember exactly word for word, but it's was about how, collective conciousness works and gave a few analogies and it's, like how when when 1 thing happens for eg when a group of women who have close contact with each other, their M cycles sync

Jan 11 at 05:16 AM

You do on here 😁🩷


Replied on Spot on!!

Jan 11 at 05:12 AM

Boodschapper♡999 I'm doing the Detox since I will be having the opportunity to meet Jason on the 19th of Jan as he's doing I quick tour here, and a centre is opening here, so I've been waiting for this for over a year for them to open, im excited. I'm not enjoying the Detox, well my gut isn't. 😆 I love to learn we sound similar, I have to remember to take time out, for other life things or watch TV but problem is I can remote view, so picking things to watch, where I'm not telling my TV I knew that was what they have planned can get frustrating or probably funny if my neighbours heard me 😂


Jan 11 at 01:41 AM

Boodschapper♡999 I am chipping away at those who are open to at least listening and I've managed to get quite a few ppl interested and interested in learning more about UnifyedTV, I think it's about choosing who to talk to about this stuff, because some are very receptive whereas those closed off totally, I don't have the energy to expend on fighting them.


Jan 11 at 01:34 AM

I do earthing techniques and I recycle my energy from the ground through my body and release the old, I also do breathwork.

Jan 10 at 10:37 AM

I am also a remote viewer, I agree with what she says, plus there's more to come

Klaus Schwab is not /he antischrist, he may be of that lineage and definitely conciousness but no the Antichrist is not here yet. Just a bunch of evil ppl, wanting to harm us.

The smart cities have begun but some of the good ppl still left in governments are aware of the bigger meaning and are trying to oppose it. She has a lot to bring fwd a shame she's not given more time to talk as there is alot to discuss on each topic.

Jan 10 at 09:35 AM

angela michelle watkins I agree, I tried to reach out to them, but no reply, maybe fame had taken over helping everyday ppl? I wish I could get some support.