Stewart white


Jul 31 at 04:03 AM

Had a good day yesterday and day before 36 horse giving the rich shit bit old can't go for more than 36 hours now


Jul 31 at 03:33 AM

It's kinda strange everyone here is trying to justify why they are using mum's money like one sister had her car hit by someone and she's saying she would rather pay mum then the back but she 63 and never let home or payed anything to live here and does nothing and the other one talk's big but full of shit like go's on FB saying she's decullting the house and beings all the shit here like i put the solar panels on farm account but gave mum the cash so she kind of gets paid twice from me as it's going to save money in power and gas for lawn like i say I'm making an orchard and my sister rushes out and buys trees but won't help me do fence or plant them but wants the fruit but even her job is about been fake


Jul 31 at 01:24 AM

It's kinda strange when I fuck up most things work out better life years ago i brought a cabinet and put in my room upside down so put wood under it so could open the doors then found out it had a lip at top so things won't fall Of


Jul 31 at 01:04 AM

Went to the city today to buy a few things another solar panel to change my battery for my solar power lawn mower and some presveing jars the old jars we have the new lids won't sele just good I brought a calcium selear for them and found out they won't Seal before printing fruit in and losing the lot don't know what to do with old jars yet vacuum sealing flour and stuff in the big jars to make last longer worked out my solar power lawn mower will take 1.5 years to pay off from gas alone but using stuff to power my room so won't be that long


Jul 30 at 11:58 PM

Think i fucked up in making my methain gas cooker the bucket i used was completely sealed so the stuff making the gas had no air to breathe so it's a bit like a silage balies so if I put a tap just above the water and leave open it should work and turn off to preser it with hand pump


Jul 29 at 11:29 PM

Don't know but the air seems very still can hear vehicle a long way off like something big going to happen

Jul 29 at 01:42 PM

That’s prolly were throwing money in wells or water came from


Jul 29 at 01:40 PM

If you got a plant that dose not do well in the garden try putting a bit of copper pipe around it or try copper sulphate never tried copper s but do put copper pipe around plants and if you put a bit of copper pipe in your pets bowl it stop algae most farm water troupes have Correa or brass arms on the ball cock and the don’t grow algae if you had copper pipes in town water supply you would not need chemils its a bactare killing product boath copper and zinc kills bugs



Jul 29 at 01:07 PM

A lot of things like fence post could be made out recycled plastic wont rot


Jul 29 at 12:34 PM

I think it is 1 ha of hemp make as much paper as 5 ha of trees in one year or 6 months so you could grow some thing in the off season and gives off 20% more oxygen then trees and you can use the seeds for bio fuel vanish you can make rope close out of the fiber maybe bamboo could be good as well as one of the fastes growing plants out you could make partial board